Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fantasy Wedding ~ the Honeymoon - chapter 4

It had been friends of theirs who told them about the treehouse.  Someone they knew had stayed there, come back and told all their friends.  Another friend said they thought it was on Facebook.  Finally they had located the website from which they had launched their wedding plans:

And now they were on their way to their honeymoon at the treehouse.

The Land Rover arrived, and they walked together through the moongate.  It was like entering another world, a forest from eons ago.  Hungry pitcher plants hung down from giant ferns.  The air was so different, it was as it if had the color of the ginger flowers that permeated it.    

As they stepped around a curve in the path and began the ascent to the house, a trail of orchids marked the way.  The orchids led them up and up to the bedroom.  Candles surrounded by orchids lined the window sills.  A bottle of champagne was chilling on the bedside table.  Next to it were two champagne flutes etched with heliconia flowers.  This would be for later.

For now, it was time to celebrate the blessing of their marriage.
The candlelight was reflected in the stained glass windows that surrounded the bed.  The music of the moment was the night sounds of the rainforest.  The vaulted ceiling overhead was lined with woven bamboo, over which black bamboo purlins supported the roof overhead.  Outside, a light mist turned suddenly to rain, dancing on the metal roof overhead.  The magic was just beginning.

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